Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Post by zerosystem »

So the first ep was Tuesday night. It was okay for a premiere - the characters are interesting enough to want to know more about them and I can't wait to see how Agent Coulson's storyline develops, especially after the revelation Agent Hill made about him.

So has anyone else been watching. Thoughts?
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Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Post by Kiriska »

I'd been planning to see it, but I haven't yet, and I might not at this point. It's not streaming anywhere that I'm aware of and stream services have spoiled me into not even wanting to bother pirating * anymore, hahaha. I hear it's just okay though, and that Coulson's carrying most of the show, but I guess that's to be expected.
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Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Post by zerosystem »

I think the ABC website is streaming it, but I'm not a 100% sure on that.

And yeah, Coulson is the main attraction right now, but the show still has the time for the other characters to step up. I hope ep 3 begins to move the story forward.
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Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Post by Trunks3DX »

I was cynical of this show when it was announced, but having given it a chance, it could develop into something compelling. The pilot, understandably, had to overcompensate. If you want a hit show, you need to appeal to as many demographics as possible, but considering this is Marvel, ignoring fans is not an option. Joss Whedon wrote and directed the first episode, which was cool, but it wasn't his best effort. Whedon is great, but his love for snarky dialogue only goes so far. Almost every character had a quirky, sarcastic vibe about them, particularly undesirable for a full cast.

But hey, that's how it goes when trying to build an audience for an expensive tv show. Episode 2 was handled otherwise, and allowed a bit more interpersonal development between the characters. The only thing I fear is that all the villains in this show will be down to Earth, meaning we won't get cameos from Iron Man and the like (He did a couple of retarded HTC phone commercials, so it's possible).

Not much to go on really, but I like what I've seen and I will keep watching until it * me off. If this becomes 'Heroes 2.0' it will sadden me.
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Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Post by zerosystem »

Yeah, the snarkiness, one liners, and sarcasm was laid on really thick in this series, but the storyline has been interesting so far and I'd like to see how it develops, especially when it comes to Sky's storyline.
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