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Jersey Shore

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 9:17 pm
by Amanroth
Okay, so I don't want to offend anyone here who might be entertained by this dribble... but do people actually watch this? I seriously want to know. Everyone I know either hates this show or is an OC-regurgitated bar starlet bimbo who HAS to be home at whatever time it's on in order to watch it. guess I just answered my own question about people watching it. But let me pose this: Does anyone intelligent actually watch this?

Somehow this is the most popular program on television but it's just another ridiculous Real World ripoff where nobody even wins money (or do they? I doubt it). From what I can gather it depicts the "real" lives of these strange orange aliens who have to either be fighting, working out, or banging to stay alive. What really gets to me is walking through a Halloween store and seeing a costume for "The Situation". I don't know what that is, some kind of fight club?

I also saw a poster in my mall saying some "DJ Pauly D" is coming to our city's largest spooge-basin of a nightclub to DJ. I've never heard of him but I know he's on Jersey Shore. The promoter was shocked and appalled when he asked if he could put the poster in my girlfriend's store, and she asked who the * he was. He asked, "Don't you watch TV?"

SO IN CLOSING, not only is this the most popular POS on television, but now those who hate it, don't care about it, or don't know what it is are the ones being looked at like they're crazy? I tried to watch an episode of this show, and I got through maybe 45 seconds before I realized I wasn't on drugs and the show actually made no sense. What is wrong with the world these days? Seriously this show is muff cabbage.

I guess it's just a Jersey thing.

Re: Jersey Shore

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 10:00 pm
by Kiriska
I've never watched it and really only hear about it occasionally, in passing, and with negative connotations. I don't think I actually know anyone that watches it seriously. I really don't even know what it's supposed to be about.

But I haven't owned a TV in 6+ years anyway.

Re: Jersey Shore

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 10:10 pm
by sike oh didn't exactly make it easy to admit this after that intro but...

I do watch the show and consider myself fairly intelligent. I find it entertaining to watch these people make complete idiots out of themselves and definitely makes me feel better about my own drunken behavior.

It is just a bunch of drunk fools running about the jersey shore partying, cursing, fighting and getting STDs but at 2am when there's nothing else on TV and I'm nto ready to pass out it does keep me entertained for 30 minutes.

I do agree that the pop-culture worship of these people is a bit ridiculous and would never go to a club to see one of them in person, let alone pay to go to a club to see them.

Re: Jersey Shore

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 7:03 am
by FF...
I never watched it, as it doesn't air in my country, I think... But we had what I think was a dutch rip-off of it, basically, and I do think the appeal in shows like these lies in laughing at their ridiculous idiocy. Sometimes people don't want to watch things that make them ponder introspectively, and just want to be mindlessly entertained.

Instead of watching people act like idiots on a comedy, why not watch actual idiots, I guess?

I think "The Situation" is a person.

Re: Jersey Shore

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:31 am
by Hakutz
sike oh didn't exactly make it easy to admit this after that intro but...

I do watch the show and consider myself fairly intelligent. I find it entertaining to watch these people make complete idiots out of themselves and definitely makes me feel better about my own drunken behavior.

It is just a bunch of drunk fools running about the jersey shore partying, cursing, fighting and getting STDs but at 2am when there's nothing else on TV and I'm nto ready to pass out it does keep me entertained for 30 minutes.

I do agree that the pop-culture worship of these people is a bit ridiculous and would never go to a club to see one of them in person, let alone pay to go to a club to see them.

Pretty much sums up my feelings on the entire subject. I can only handle so much of it, but to watch these people do and say the dumbest things makes me feel so much better about not only my drunken escapades, but also my sober behavior. The only sad thing about it and that's kind of a sucker punch about the whole situation is that these "reality" stars are making millions for doing something I did every weekend in college (go out and get drunk).

Re: Jersey Shore

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 7:10 pm
by Mr. T
I don't watch it or any reality TV really, aside from cut-up shows like The Soup where they find the funniest/stupidest moments and condense them into half-hour slices of win. To answer your question I did live with a girl who was going for a degree in psychology, minoring in marriage and family therapy, and she would watch it to be entertained by the idiocy... But I can't really help escape the fact that she was probably studying the inter-personal dynamics of it as well. Because basically, they're a bunch of dysfunctional alcoholics, which is why it's entertaining to watch. But, it's telling that the episodes are broken up by the different drama and personal squabbles they get into with each other, and that some companies pay them NOT to wear/use their products on the show.

Re: Jersey Shore

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 9:04 pm
by Amanroth
I suppose I could understand watching it just to see them make asses of themselves, or even to make oneself feel better about their own "situation" (haha get it?)

But I can't help but feel a majority of the people who watch it are interested in it because they can watch it and associate themselves with a specific person on the show ie. "I'm such a Snooki!"

Re: Jersey Shore

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:11 pm
by EnigmaticManiac
The fact that it is still running after 5-6 seasons is beyond me. I know most of them are just acting that way and hide their intelligence, or at least hope that. I hear they actually have diplomas, except Snooki, she has lie 4 credit hours left or some *? :P Either way, reality TV ruins my brain cells just because I analyze everything that happens and why it happened and how it happened and there is no sense in a lot of that, so I go crazier? :/

Re: Jersey Shore

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 8:09 am
by Hakutz
Well people can't look away from a trainwreck which is what I kind of feel that whole show is anymore, a trainwreck and the huddled masses just can't look away.

Re: Jersey Shore

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 6:36 pm
by FF...
I don't know if they hide their intelligence. Intelligent people are just as capable of being idiots.