Let's bring back some fond memories

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Re: Let's bring back some fond memories

Post by ucsPsyche »

I can't believe this forum still exists in some way. Maybe like, once every few years I'll throw the username of someone who mattered to the very small and incredibly naive world of my teenage years into google and see what turns up. One never returns any results but then another threw up this thread and I'm just sitting here reading over usernames like *...these were real people and they still exist, hah.

I'm not even gonna say what my old username was because I doubt anyone would remember or will even read this is in a thread that hasn't been posted in a year. I think I'm just making this post for cathartic reasons. But, fair to say, I was a very obnoxious teenage girl and I don't know how people managed to deal with me in my younger days. I was part of the RPG when it was DBZ themed and in the evil faction. I was way too into it. My writing was absolute rubbish back then and far too anime influenced, it's painful for me to read that garbage. I think I wrote a few overly dramatic DBZ fanfics on these forums and my favorite memory is definitely I think ...I wrote something about Vegeta crying blood but as a metaphor and someone made an absolutely brilliant response post making fun of it and asking if he had some kind of eye disease and what was up with that.

This was also the forum that taught me internet predators are an actual real thing which seems obvious now and to most but was not so much to me as a kid. Sorry that's a sharp turn. Let's just say I was at most 13 at the time, I know I wasn't in high school yet, and * got real way too fast. I remember one of the other moderators at the time telling me what was going on was super creepy and now I think back on it and go "that one guy knew what was up, should have listened to him". Man, I was so dumb.

To sum it up, there was some real life crazy drama that came from this forum for me. At the same time, despite all that background noise and junk this place was a fun time and I definitely enjoyed it before that. I recognize some usernames both as people posting and in mentions in those posts and that's pretty rad. But again, super old thread and well...yea. If anyone ever reads this, have a good life dude.
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Re: Let's bring back some fond memories

Post by The009 »

ucsPsyche wrote:I can't believe th.....
<--- Edited for the sake of words :)

Welcome back to the forums.

We are still around we read things its just a nice quiet place :)
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Re: Let's bring back some fond memories

Post by FF... »

I still read.
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Re: Let's bring back some fond memories

Post by Kiriska »

I think quite a few of us check here at least every few months, so while it isn't much for conversation, it's still sort of nice for 'lol hey guys we still exist! how about that' or something.

Anyway I think the forums affect many of us in different ways, for better or worse. I feel like I have a vague inkling of who you are, ucsPsyche, but who knows, my memory isn't that great overall. Hope you're doing well too though.
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Re: Let's bring back some fond memories

Post by Dritz »

I still pop in every month or so, though sometimes it's longer than that. I love that we're all still drawn back here.
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Re: Let's bring back some fond memories

Post by Baka »

I forgot this active forum still exists <3

Man, another 8 years I think.

Anyway, can you imagine guys, 20 years...

Also FF, you're still my Dutch Boytoy
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Re: Let's bring back some fond memories

Post by Amanroth »

That's very heartbreaking to hear, ucsPsyche, I hope you are doing well whoever you may have been back then! I wouldn't be surprised to learn many women had some sort of drama with predation on forums such as these. As a 12-14 year old boy with no filter and nothing but sex on the brain, I'm sure I did my fair share of messaging girls I knew on here to try and slide into their DMs, so to speak. Some of course were developed into friendships, but I know I "dated" at least a couple people in this forum. My only defense for myself would be that I was so young and stupid, we don't realize how vulnerable we are at that age.

So I am truly sorry if I ever made anyone feel uncomfortable or even worse, unwelcome. I don't believe I did, but after reading that from ucsPsyche I can't help but consider the possibility that my actions caused someone bad feelings somewhere down the road. That was the wild west of the internet back then, where people were not thinking about predators or people lying about their age. I'm sure I had chatted with plenty of "girls" back then in chat rooms and message boards who were just older men looking to get their rocks off.
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Re: Let's bring back some fond memories

Post by Baka »

yeah, sorry about your experience :(

On a more retarded note, i guess the forum on the on side and myself on the other were kept safe by the fact that i was the only idiot based in romania
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