Let's bring back some fond memories

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Re: Let's bring back some fond memories

Post by Nick »

my mind is blown with the amount of nostalgia in this thread!
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Re: Let's bring back some fond memories

Post by Alpha »

double combo!!!!
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Re: Let's bring back some fond memories

Post by Baka »

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Re: Let's bring back some fond memories

Post by Hakutz »

Alpha wrote: - I remember sexy pming lacopra, kiri, and sike oh. And on that note, HAKUTZ, do you remember our "lmai" group? We'd send romantic poetry to female forum members to see what reaction we'd get out of it. Sike ohs response to mine was pretty hilarious.
I definitely remember the LMAI group if only I could remember what that actually stood for. But yeah I remember doing it. Here's the whole story on infamous Sike Oh response to you. We had hatched our plan and you sent your message. Sike, sent me a message back when I was on MSN and was like Hak * do I do about this. (paraphrasing) And I remember eventually spilling the beans on our scam and telling her to go with it and write you back that she was into you and to use poetry if possible. sO that's how the only positive response to our romantic poetry came be. The lesson to be learned from all this is that * hate poetry.
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Re: Let's bring back some fond memories

Post by Amanroth »


I remember hearing about that. I can't remember if it was Sike telling me or not. I also remember hearing it from the other side, someone in lmai started telling me all about it.
Knowledge once held power, now it remains in the pleasantries of sight. Brains or beauty? What's more important than the envy of another? We starve our only strengths to feed our weaknesses. Mental anorexia.
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Re: Let's bring back some fond memories

Post by Alpha »


Hak you ruined my plan you *!
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Re: Let's bring back some fond memories

Post by FF... »

Obviously poetry won't work when it is used in mockery. It must come from the soul.

Everybody knows that.

I could make gasmtastic poetry if I had a soul.

But the soul was absorbed by the EGO.
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Re: Let's bring back some fond memories

Post by Alpha »

Who needs a soul when you got alcohol.
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Re: Let's bring back some fond memories

Post by FF... »

Who needs a soul when you're not on the train?
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Re: Let's bring back some fond memories

Post by Dritz »

From Autumn to Ashes - by GohanIdz
(Note, I changed a couple names a long time ago, and I have no idea what the original ones were)

In the autumn we danced with the transparent breeze. Among those who have seen its heart, there are many that know of Dusk. Silver skies coupled with a smell of decaying corpses, a dreadful taste in the air could not be described. Against the grain is where Dusk has resided with its importance and pompous equilibrium. With what do we owe the honor of falling from grace and being met with the arms of God? Nothing more can be said other than it is worth a divine grace that we surrender ourselves to the powers that be. Inside myself, I do so question what became of my life. Dusk is a place that leaves you with an emotion that isn't defined by motion or actions but by the way it turns heart beat into an undying passion to stay alive. Forever left in the night was I, purely a servant of my own dishonor. Oh, how I longed for ways to meet death on the battlefield or if nothing else a painless execution.

Yes, it is with a bloated importance like that of Dusk that I sat in the rain pondering my misguided role in the life of a child. Ironic that I would care about a being so small and insignificant, but like all things, even the smallest part will complete the whole. No, this child was quite different indeed, for it would give up for any brightly shining trinket - my daughter. An obvious transfusion of darkness, power, beauty, and serenity; this girl was like the sun being overcome with grief and engulfing the Moon pleading for forgiveness of the havens for glowing too splendidly. Against all odds I would come to mourn the loss of a girl that I hardly knew yet knew all too well. Her name was Gloria...

She will leave this here and turn to anger to seek revenge for her mother. That was the only problem I saw with a plot of damnation. Obviously you would seek revenge after witnessing a mother's death, but to seek out a man to carry this act out, a man that just so happened to be your father - this was bizarre if nothing else. Irony runs deeper than the blade cuts sometimes, always remember those words.

It was morning when she sought me, her raven colored hair fell down her back and made her a gothic as beautiful. Her pale yet still slightly tanned skin kissed the horrid creature in me, and if I had no idea who she was I would want her for myself. Yet with the facts being just that, I could only see her as a daughter, had she known what she was to me my task could have been much simpler than a life in exchange for my freedom.

"And who might you be?" I asked in a manner not to give away my little secret. Why did I walk away from her merely to stalk her in shadows? Is life as simple as a question answered? You must understand man makes God overly complicated, and therefore God should in return complicate man...I am a hunter of man; I seek to destroy the evil in the hearts of our society. And while you may or may not care, you will pay for the sins against the Father...

She smiled at me timidly as if she was trying to prove her courage. When she parted her lips I couldn't help but fall madly in love with her voice, if the angels ever sung songs of redemption they certainly sounded like Gloria.

"I seek the one known as Pope." It was then that I knew that we would see each other again. She was staring at the small grooves along my back; I was shirtless and only somewhat tinted these days. How this amazing creature could be looking into the eyes of darkness and staying so calm yet praying that I didn't take her as an offering to occult gods and pagan rights, it baffled me...

"Pope...and why would I know anything about such a hideous title?" Yes, I knew of that pathetic mass, while he and I were still on good terms, I saw him on the days when * battled Heaven in a feat to take this child away from me. If she was seeking Pope, then the murderer was one of my children...Her name was Delia, or the Goddess...Once queen of us all, she was the Mother's daughter, but was tainted by our lord Michael. She was my first and I was hers. It would be quite strange to have had a child with her though, regardless of her intent in it, this was the heir of damnation and sacrifice. It was too bad that this girl was certainly more human than of the black wing.

"You are the hunter of men, the one called Akuma no Shinkaku? You will hunt him for me demon..." How stern she was, this bitter cold chill I had was a far greater feeling than watching a small human child die by my hands. I was so much more intrigued by her now than ever before. Strange, a girl the age of fourteen had so much darkness in hear heart.

As I caught her staring helplessly at my wings, she quickly looked away, but in shame more than curiosity she was hiding the fact that her wings were slowly beginning to blossom. "I am he, Demon of the Fallen Gwentally. He who was crucified yet lived for forty days and forty nights on a cross bearing His name, burned at the stake only turning the flames to ice. The one called Akuma...The Devil of Divinity or as you say, Divinity's Demonic Hope...and I will hunt for him, but you will do for me as well girl."

Her lips, wet with wanting to understand her race, was coupled with a burning curiosity to know what I wanted for such a young virgin. "What would you have me do for you Lord?" I enjoyed hearing the title again. Staring up at my dark corner I raised the chains to her still aging * and grinned, "Get me the * out of this prison, child..."

Amazed by the informal response, she grinned back at me and slapped my hands away from her chest. It was never my intention to touch her, as you know she is my daughter...I was merely being myself, befitting to act accordingly when she was clueless as to our true relationship. She vanished into the darkness and I was left there lying in my cell in Dusk. For eleven years I sat inside this chamber with only my will and my mind to keep me sane. She wanted me to hunt yet I was fascinated in knowing how she planned to release me from my burdens of man.l Enough of this, I will leave this place; you will see my back arched and wings spread delivering Judgment to my wife's murderer. At least I was hoping...

(Part 2 maybe? It was separated)

"The Great Mother sends her regards... You've been pardoned my Lord." Gloria once again stunned me, another feeling that was something long forgotten. The Great Mother - a woman that once stood by my side was seemingly remembering the Holy War... She had remembered how I saved her from death and maybe she was tired of trying to find new ways of having me executed - that feeble *. Anyway, the great mother was once known as Trisha the Raven, a human girl that not only watched Michael kill her parents but who was taken by his holiness to be a personal concubine. Yet, for some reason, she ended up my responsibility. So I was "fit" to raise her, an Enzeru raising a Human, let alone a male raising a female was difficult for me. You have to understand that Michael taught me that females, especially human females, were used for pleasure and then to feed the darkness of our god. Anything else was out of the question, what stopped me from taking her was probably the gruesome fact that she was merely nine years of age. Michael was a disgusting creature now that I think about it, for his hunger for young flesh even made me sick at times... Thankfully this child was a natural born killer, and learned that I was the only one worth trusting very quickly, for that I respected this mortal. That respect seemed to pay off right now.

"Ah, I see, the Raven is allowing me to live, how good of her. Did that waste of flesh tell you why?" I had my arms raised by a nearby guard who unlocked my rusted shackles and gritted his yellow-brown teeth in my general direction. I was extremely pleased to know that I'd never have to listen to another one of his grandiose exaggerations ever again.

"Lord Akuma, you shall be leading a Holy organization that was created by the Great Mother, in order to find the killer of the Goddess..." I almost choked on my own saliva hearing this. The Great Mother searching for an Enzeru assassin that assassinated the Enzeru's highest rank. You would expect the humans to be overjoyed to know that the Goddess was destroyed, but the truth of it was all too easy to decipher. Gloria was the daughter and rightful heir to the thrown, yet she was in the care of the Great Mother. An Enzeru being taught to love and work with humans, I would once banish the idea, but now it was clear that Delia's weak point was that she still believed in segregation instead of integration. Now with Trisha and Gloria being almost sisterly, the Enzeru and Humans would come to know peace everlasting. Where was the catch though, my mind wandered, the Raven was never known for her clean cut arguements - I should know, I taught her everything she knows. "The Great Mother would like you to gather six more to lead this organization to find the one that would hunt me next." and there it was - the catch, not only did I know the six she would have me find, but GLoria's life was in jeopardy. She was the only one that didn't know that she was my daughter, of course Trisha knew how to grab my fancy. Hang a mouse in front of a cat only to tell this feline you must save that meal from bigger cats. Bigger you ask? Well, let's put it this way, no one, including me, could kill the Goddess. She was not only immortal but the fastest, strongest, and most intelligent of our kind. For a mere Enzeru to dispatch her, he would have had to be stronger than I.

"And you will be accompanying me on this journey little one?" I knew she would, but asking her made her feel more important, so I decided to make her feel as special as I could. Why? Because I was lost mentally, how could I assemble them to aid me in killing one stronger than I? And what Enzeru could have been stronger than Delia? Whatever the answers were, we were going to soon find out. Leaving Dusk behind, I started into the burning sun; I hoped that it would guide me or blind me. Either way, this journey was going to bring agony like nothing before it could have ever knew how to apply.
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